Page 123
What's this? BLYGAD has been tagged by Brendan @ Where! Here's the game:
1. Pick up the nearest book (of at least 123 pages).
2. Open the book to page 123.
3. Find the fifth sentence.
4. Post the next three sentences.
5. Tag five people.
For my entry, Neuromancer by William Gibson:
"If you have trouble walking, just look at your feet. The perspective's a bitch, if you're not used to it."And becuase the rest of this passage is so great...
They were standing in a broad street that seemed to be the floor of a deep slot or canyon, its either end concealed by subtle angles in the shops and buildings that formed its walls.
The light, here, was filtered through fresh green masses of vegetation tumbling from overhanging tiers and balconies that rose above them. The sun...And now I tag (I'm going local on this one):
There was a brilliant slash of white somewhere above them, too bright, and the recorded blue of a Cannes sky. He knew that sunlight was pumped in with a Lado-Acheson system whose two-millimeter armature ran the length of the spindle, that they generated a rotating library of sky effects around it, that if the sky were turned off, he'd stare up past the armature of light to the curves of lakes, rooftops of casinos, other streets... But it made no sense to his body.
Paul @ Eyeteeth
Taylor @ Mediation
Ed @ The Deets
Aaron @ S4xton
James @ Up Your Architecture
Taylor's 123rd page is from Targeted: Homeland Security and the Business of Immigration by Deepa Fernandes:
Their underlying question is: who DHS could possibly be protecting from an eldery Baptist minister?Ed's 123rd page is from Land of Amber Waters: The History of Brewing in Minnesota by Doug Hoverson:
Dantica’s family sees no contradiction in the dual purpose of his visit. He was fleeing Haiti out of a fear of death, but he was also visiting his family, thus fulfilling the stated reason on his visa. Instead he met his death while in U.S. immigration custody. There is mounting evidence that the incarceration that led to Dantica’s death had less to do with DHS viewing him as a threat to society than with his being Haitian. Since Haitians began fleeing politcal violence and repression fifty years ago, there has always been a second tier of justice to deal with those who made it to the United States.
For new president, Franklin D. Roosevelt, the return of beer was not so much a return to cultural tradition as a way to increase tax revenue and to eliminate the drain on the public purse from the cost of the ineffectual enforcement of Prohibition. While total repeal of the Eighteenth Amendment was in the uncertain future, the first steps to return legal beer were taken quickly. The Cullen Bill, passed almost immediately after Roosevelt’s inauguration, modified the Volstead Act to define beer of 3.2 percent alcohol by weight as nonintoxicating and allowed its sale in any state that did not have conflicting prohibition laws.
1 comment:
Speaking of Neuromancer...
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