Blogeda... what the... ken?
In an effort to drum up a little conversation, Where is hosting a Blogedanken. This blogedanken (a riff on the German word "gedanken" that translates, roughly, to "thought experiment") starts simply enough: create a wishlist of urban projects for the city you live in. After a few steps though, you'll likely have something completely unexpected and hopefully quite thought provoking!
If that's not enough, Where is upping the ante with a book give-a-way. See below for more details on the offering. The contest ends on Saturday, March 22, so hop on over to Where and check it out!

By Fernando Romero
The Author is also the founder of the Laboratory of Architecture (LAR) in Mexico city "with the ambition of addressing contemporary society through a process of architectural translation and urban study." If you have any interest in border urbanism and the works of Teddy Cruz, this looks like a must-read.
With only one entry so far, your chances of winning if you participate are quite good!
WOAH. im guessing that would be in the western part of usa.
I appreciate the labor you have put in developing this blog. Nice and informative.
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