Tuesday, March 21

Structures For Inclusion 6

The Structures For Inclusion conference, held in San Francisco, runs from Friday, March 24th to Sunday, March 26th. Architecture For Humanity's co-founder Kate Stohr will be a moderating a panel entitled "Designers Roles in Disaster Preparedness & Relief". AFH|MN's own Maureen is excited to be able to attend the conference and we are excited to hear about it when she gets back. Expect more from her later.

"From its inception in 2000, the dual mission of SFI has consistently been 1) to showcase design efforts that reach out to and serve a diverse clientele, and 2) to provide information on alternative career paths available to students and young designers."

For more information: Structures for Inclusion 6

While looking into this conference I found out that it is put on, in part, by the Design Corps. The Design Corps works in conjunction with AmeriCorps, linking interested and skilled volunteers with groups around the US in need of design services.

They offer 1 and 2 year Fellowships. Past and ongoi
ng projects include a farmworker/ migrant housing program, self-help housing, and other various community planning/ building projects. They have ongoing projects in Alabama, Florida, New Orleans, North Carolina, and Virginia, as well as a summer design/ build studio for students.

In my hectic last months of school I entertained the idea of working for AmeriCorps but had trouble finding a program that was design related. How I missed such a great resource I have no idea, but I'm now beginning to entertain similar thoughts...

Two other groups have a hand in the SFI conference as well: Public Architecture, and Urban Ecology. A more in depth look into these and other related organizations to come.

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